Below is a partial list of “Gateway” ancestors with lines to Magna Carta Barons, Crusaders and Templar Knights:
A partial list of “Gateway” ancestors with currently approved lines to Magna Charta Barons, Crusaders and Templar Knights appears below. Note that many of these Gateway ancestors have approved lines that will lead to 1) Magna Carta Barons, 2) Crusaders and 3) Templar Knights. But not all Gateways listed have approved lines that will qualify for membership in all three Orders. New information is always welcome and the Order will be glad to add to this list if genealogical research proves it advisable. As always, the Order retains the right to accept or reject a line based on the most current genealogical research.
- Abbott, Anne (Mauleverer), Nottingham Township, Burlington Co., NJ
- Abell, Robert, Weymouth & Rehoboth, MA
- Abney, Dannett, King William & Spotsylvania Cos., VA
- Allin, Katherine (Deighton), Roxbury and Dedham, MA
- Allyn, Margaret (Wyatt), Cambridge, MA
- Almy, Audrey (Barlow), RI
- Alsop, Elizabeth, MA
- Alsop, Timothy, New Haven, CT
- Alsop, George, Milford, CT
- Alston, John, Berkeley Co., SC
- Amiot/Amyot, Anne (Couvent), Quebec, Canada
- Appleton, Samuel, Rowley, MA
- Argall, Sir Samuel, deputy Governor of VA
- Asfordby, William, Kingston & Marbletown, NY
- Aston, Walter, Charles City Co., VA
- Aubrey, Barbara, PA
- de Baillon, Catherine, Riviere-Ouelle, Quebec, Canada
- Baldwin, Elizabeth (Alsop), Milford, CT
- Ball, Elizabeth (Harleston), St. James Parish, Berkeley Co., & Charleston, SC
- Banks, Margaret (Domville) Hatton, MD
- Barclay, John, Governor of NJ
- Barclay, Robert, Governor of East Jersey
- Barham, Charles, Surry Co., VA
- Barlow, Audrey, RI
- Barnes, Charles, Long Island, NY
- Baskerville, John, York Co., VA
- Batt, Anne (Baynton), Boston, MA
- Batt, Christopher, Boston, MA
- Batte, Henry, Charles City Co., VA
- Batte, Thomas, Charles City & Henrico Cos., VA
- Batte, William, Charles City Co., VA
- Baynard, Gent., John, Talbot Co., MD
- Baynton, Anne, MA
- Beckwith, Sir Marmaduke, Richmond Co., VA
- Beresford, Dorothy (Mrs. John Brodnax) VA
- Berkeley, Sir William, Governor of VA
- Bernard, Anna (Cordray), York Co., VA
- Bernard, Richard, York Co., VA
- Bernard, William, Isle of Wight Co., VA
- Bevan, Barbara (Aubrey), PA
- Bevan, John, PA
- Beville, Essex, Henrico Co., VA
- Bickley, Joseph, King William Co., VA
- Bladen, William, St. Mary’s & Anne Arundel Cos., MD
- Blakiston, George, St. Mary’s Co., MD
- Blakiston, Nehemiah, St. Mary’s Co., MD
- Blount, [Capt.] James, NC
- Blunston, Hannah (Levis), Darby, Chester Co., PA
- Bolles, Joseph, Winter Harbor & Wells, ME
- Booth, Thomas, Gloucester Co., VA
- Bosvile, Elizabeth, MA
- Bourchier, Mary, VA
- Bowen, Margaret (Fleming), Boston, MA
- Bradshaw, Sarah (Levis), Darby, Chester Co., PA
- Brent, [Capt.] George, Stafford Co., VA
- Brent, [Col.] Giles, Kent Island, MD, & Stafford Co., VA
- Brent, Robert, Stafford Co., VA
- Bressey, Thomas, New Haven, CT
- Brodnax, Dorothy (Beresford), VA
- Brooke, Mary (Wolseley), Calvert Co., MD
- Browne, Abel, MD
- Browne, Nathaniel, Hartford & Middletown, CT, & Springfield, MA
- Bruen, Obadiah, Marshfield & Gloucester, MA, & New London, CT
- Bulkeley, Elizabeth, MA
- Bulkeley, Grace (Chetwode), Concord, MA
- Bulkeley, Martha, MA
- Bulkeley, Rev. Peter, Concord, MA
- Bull, Stephen, SC
- Burnet, William, Governor of NY
- Burnham, Alice (Eltonhead), York, Lancaster, & Middlesex Cos., VA
- Burrough, Nathaniel, Calvert Co., MD, & Roxbury, MA
- Butler/Boteler, Elizabeth, Isle of Kent, Chespeake Bay, & New Kent, VA
- Butler/Boteler, John, Kent Island, MD
- Bye, Thomas, Bucks Co., PA
- Calthorpe, Col. Christopher, York Co., VA & NC
- Calvert, Charles, Governor of MD
- Calvert, Jane (Lowe) (Sewall), St. Mary’s Co., MD
- Calvert, Leonard, Governor of MD
- Campbell, Lord William, Governor of SC
- Carleton, Edward, Rowley, MA
- Carleton, Ellen (Newton), Rowley, MA
- Carroll, Dr. Charles, MD
- Carter, Eleanor (Eltonhead), Lancaster Co., VA
- Carter, Sarah (Ludlow), Lancaster Co., VA
- Cartlidge, Mary (Need), Darby, Chester Co., PA
- Chauncy, [Rev] Charles, Scituate and Plymouth, MA
- Cheseldine, Kenelm, St. Mary’s Co., MD
- Chetwode, Grace, MA
- Claiborne, Elizabeth (Butler/Boteler), Isle of Kent, Chespeake Bay, & New Kent, VA
- Clarke, Jeremy, Newport, RI
- Clarkson, Matthew, New York City, NY
- Claypoole, James, Philadelphia, PA
- Claypoole, Norton, Lewes, DE
- Clopton, William, York & New Kent Cos., VA
- Codd, St. Leger, Lancaster & Northumberland Cos., VA, & Cecil Co., MD
- Conway, Martha (Eltonhead), Lancaster Co., VA
- Cooke, Edward, of Calvert and Dorchester, MD
- Cooke, Elizabeth (Haynes), Cambridge, MA
- Corbin, Alice (Eltonhead), Middlesex Co., VA
- Corbin, Henry, Middlesex Co., VA
- Cordray, Anna, VA
- Couvent, Anne, Quebec, Canada
- Coytemore, Elizabeth, MA
- Craighead, Rev. Thomas, PA
- Crowne, Agnes (Mackworth), Boston, MA
- Crymes, Dr. William, VA
- Cudworth, James Scituate, MA
- Culpeper, Katherine (St. Leger), VA
- Culpeper, Thomas, VA
- Culpeper, John, VA
- Dade, Francis, Warwick Co., VA
- Dale, Diana (Skipwith), Lancaster Co., VA
- Davie, Humphrey, Boston, MA, & Hartford, CT
- Deighton, Frances, MA
- Deighton, Jane (see Lugg), MA
- Deighton, Jane (see Negus), MA
- Deighton, Katherine, MA
- Derehaugh, Anne, MA
- Deschenes, Catherine (de Baillon), Riviere-Ouelle, Quebec, Canada
- DeWarren, Humphrey
- Digges, Edward, York Co., VA
- Domville, Margaret, St. Mary’s Co., MD
- Drake, Robert, Northampton Co, VA
- Dudley, Katherine (Deighton), Roxbury & Dedham, MA
- Dudley, Thomas, Governor of MA
- Duncanson, Katherine, NY
- Dunlop, Archibald, CT
- Eaton, Anne (Lloyd) Yale, CT
- Eddowes, Ralph, PA
- Eddowes, Sarah (Kenrick), Philadelphia Co., PA
- Edgeworth, Richard, Anson Co., NC
- Edwards, Agnes, Cambridge, MA and Hartford, CT
- Elkington, George, Burlington Co., NJ
- Ellis, Rowland, Bryn Mawr & Gwynedd, PA
- Elmes, Rodolphus, Scituate, MA
- Eltonhead, Agatha, VA
- Eltonhead, Alice, VA
- Eltonhead, Eleanor, VA
- Eltonhead, Jane, MD
- Eltonhead, Martha, VA
- Epes, Daniel, MA
- Epes, Francis, VA
- Falconer, Alexander, MD
- Farrar, William, Henrico Co., VA
- Farwell, Olive (Welby), Concord & Chelmsford, MA
- Fenwick, Jane (Eltonhead), St. Mary’s Co., MD
- Fenwick, John, Salem, NJ
- Filmer, Henry, James City & Warwick Cos., VA
- Fisher, John, Northampton Co., VA
- Fleete, Henry, Lancaster Co., VA
- Fleming, Margaret (Mrs. Griffith Bowen), Boston, MA
- Foliot, Edward, York Co., VA
- Fowke, [Col.] Gerard, Westmoreland Co., VA and Charles Co., MD
- Fowler, Joseph, Newtown, Queens, LI, NY
- Gascoigne, Thomas, Northumberland Co., VA
- Gerard, Thomas, St. Mary’s Co., MD, & Westmoreland Co., VA
- Gill, Mary (Mainwaring), said to be of MD
- Glen, Katherine (Duncanson), NY
- Goddard, William, Watertown, MA
- Gordon, Thomas, NJ
- Gorsuch, Anne (Lovelace), VA
- Gotherson, Dorothea (Scott), Long Island, NY
- Greene, Thomas, St. Mary’s Co., Maryland
- Gurdon, Muriel, MA
- Gye, Mary, MA
- Hackburne, Katherine (Deighton), Roxbury & Dedham, MA
- Hamby, Katherine, MA
- Harlakenden, Elizabeth (Bosvile), Cambridge, MA
- Harlakenden, Mabel, MA
- Harlakenden, Roger, Cambridge, MA
- Harleston, Elizabeth, SC
- Harleston, John, St. James Parish, Berkeley Co., SC
- Harris, Agnes, Cambridge, MA and Hartford, CT
- Hatton, Margaret (Domville), St. Mary’s Co., MD
- Haugh, Elizabeth (Bulkeley), Cambridge & Boston, MA
- Hawes, Edmund, Duxbury & Yarmouth, MA
- Haynes, Elizabeth, MA
- Haynes, Mabel, Hartford, CT
- Henry, John, VA
- Horsmanden, Warham, Charles City Co., VA
- Houston, Sir Patrick, 5th Baronet, of GA
- Howell, Edward, MA
- Hoyle, Edward VA
- Humphrey, Anne, MA
- Humphrey, Daniel, Haverford, Delaware Co., PA
- Humphrey, John, PA
- Hunter, Robert, Governor of NY & NJ
- Hussey, Thomas, Charles County, MD
- Hutchinson, Anne (Marbury), Boston, MA, RI, & NY
- Hutchinson, Katherine (Hamby), Boston, MA
- Iremonger, Corderoy, Northumberland Co., VA
- Iremonger, Francis, Gloucester Co., VA
- Iremonger, Martha, VA
- Iremonger, William, Lancaster Co., VA
- Isham, Henry, Henrico Co., VA
- James, Jr., Rev. Thomas, Southampton, NY
- Jennings, Edmund, York Co., VA
- Johnstone, Euphame (Scott), Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., NJ
- Jones, Martha (Iremonger), Northumberland Co., VA
- Keayne, Anne, Boston, MA
- Keith, Sir William, Governor of PA & DE
- Kempe, Edmund, VA
- Kempe, Matthew, Lancaster & Gloucester Cos., VA
- Kempe, Esq., Richard, James City Co., VA
- Kenrick, Sarah, PA
- Launce, Mary, MA
- Levis, Hannah, PA
- Levis, Samuel, Chester Co., PA
- Levis, Sarah, PA
- Lewis, Elizabeth (Marshall), ME
- Lightfoot, John, St. Peter’s Parish, New Kent, VA
- Ligon, Thomas, Henrico Co., VA
- Littleton, Esq., Nathaniel, Northampton Co., VA
- Livingston, Robert, NY
- Lloyd, Ann, CT
- Lloyd, Thomas, Philadelphia, PA
- Logan, James, PA
- Lovelace, Anne, VA
- Lowe, Henry, St. Mary’s Co., MD
- Lowe, Jane, MD
- Lowe, Nicholas, Talbot Co., MD
- Lowe, Vincent, Talbot Co., MD
- Lowell, Percival, Newbury, MA
- Ludlow, Gabriel, New York City, NY
- Ludlow, Roger, Dorchester, MA; Windsor & Fairfield, CT
- Ludlow, Sarah, VA
- Lugg, Jane, Boston, MA
- Lunsford, Thomas, Lancaster Co., VA
- Lyddall, George, VA
- Lynde, Simon, Boston, MA
- Mackworth, Agnes, MA
- Mainwaring, Mary, MD
- Mallory, Roger, New Kent & King & Queen Cos., VA
- Mallory, Thomas, Charles City Co., VA
- Mansfield, Elizabeth, MA
- Mansfield, John, Charlestown, MA
- Manwaring, Oliver, New London, CT
- Marbury, Anne, MA, RI & NY
- Marbury, Katherine, MA & RI
- Marshall, Elizabeth, Saco, ME
- Mauleverer, Anne, NJ
- Maverick, Mary (Gye), Dorchester, MA
- McIntosh, John Mohr, GA
- Mellowes, Martha (Bulkeley), Charlestown, MA
- Miles, Anne (Humphrey), Swansea, MA
- More, Richard, Plymouth & Salem, MA
- Need, Joseph, Darby, Chester Co., PA
- Need, Mary, PA
- Negus, Jane (Deighton) (Lugg), Boston, MA
- Nelson, John, Boston, MA
- Nelson, Margaret, VA
- Nelson, Philip, Rowley, MA
- Nelson, Thomas, Rowley, MA
- Newton, Ellen, MA
- Orr, John, VA
- Otis, Rose, Dover, NH
- Owen, Joshua, Burlington Co., NJ
- Owen, Rebecca (Owen), Merion, Philadelphia Co., PA
- Owsley, Thomas, Stafford Co., VA
- Oxenbridge, John, Boston, MA
- Palgrave, Dr. Richard, Charlestown, MA
- Palmes, Anne (Humphrey), Swansea, MA
- Pelham, Elizabeth (Bosvile), Cambridge, MA
- Pelham, Herbert, Cambridge, MA
- Pelham, Jemima (Waldegrave), Cambridge, MA
- Peyton, Robert, Gloucester Co., VA
- Pole (or Poole), Elizabeth, Taunton, MA
- Pole (or Poole), William, Dorchester & Taunton, MA
- Popham, George, ME
- Pynchon, Amy (Wyllys/Willis), Springfield, MA
- Randolph, Henry, Henrico Co., VA
- Randolph, William, Henrico Co., VA
- Raynsford, Edward, Boston, MA
- Reade, George, James City & York Cos., VA
- Rodes, Charles, VA
- Rodney, Capt. John, Gent., St. Kitts & Philadelphia, PA
- Rodney, William, Kent Co., DE
- Rudyard, Thomas, Deputy Governor of East Jersey
- Saint John, Elizabeth, MA
- Saint Leger, Katherine, VA
- Saltonstall, Muriel (Gurdon), Ipswich, MA
- Saltonstall, Richard, Watertown & Ipswich, MA
- Scott, Elizabeth (Hussey), Boston, MA
- Scott, Dorothea, Long Island, NY
- Scott, Euphame, Shrewsbury, Monmouth, NJ
- Scott, Katherine (Marbury), Massachusetts & RI
- Seton, William, NY
- Sewall, Jane (Lowe) St. Mary’s Co., MD
- Sherman, Mary (Launce), Watertown, MA
- Skepper, Rev. William, Boston, MA
- Skipwith, Diana, VA
- Skipwith, Sir Grey, Knt., 3rd Baronet, VA
- Smith, Lawrence, VA
- Smith, Mary Johanna (Somerset), Calvert Co., MD
- Somerset, Mary Johanna, MD
- Spencer, Agnes (Harris), Cambridge, MA and Hartford, CT
- Spotswood, Alexander, Governor of VA
- Strachey, John, VA
- Stockman, John, Salisbury, MA
- Stoughton, Rose, NH
- Stratton, Anne (Derehaugh), Salem, MA
- Stratton, John, MA (son of Anne above)
- Talbot, Peter, MA
- Taylor, James, Gent., Boston & Lynn, MA
- Teackle, Margaret (Nelson), Accomack Co., VA
- Thompson, Alice (Freeman), New London, CT
- Thorndike, Elizabeth (Stratton), MA
- Throckmorton, John, Salem, MA, Providence & Warwick, RI, & NJ
- Tooke, James, VA
- Torrey, [Rev.] Samuel, Hull and Weymouth, MA
- Torrey, William, Weymouth, MA
- Towneley, Lawrence VA
- Towneley, Mary, VA
- Tyndall, Margaret, MA
- Tyng, Elizabeth (Coytemore), Boston, MA
- Vigil, Juan Montes, Mexico
- Waldegrave, Jemima, MA
- Warner, Mary (Townley), York and Gloucester Cos., VA
- Warren, Humphrey, MD
- Warren, Thomas, Gent, Surry, VA
- Washington, John, Westmoreland Co., VA
- Washington, Lawrence, Rappahannock Co., VA
- Welby, Olive, MA
- Wentworth, [Elder] William, Dover, NH
- West, Francis, Governor of VA
- West, John, of York Co., VA
- West, Thomas, Knt., 3rd Lord De la Warre, Governor of VA
- Whiting, Elizabeth (St. John), Lynn, MA
- Whitaker, Rev. Alexander, VA
- Whitaker, Jabez, of Henrico Co., VA
- Whittaker, Mary (Bourchier), Henrico Co., VA
- Whittingham, Elizabeth (Bulkeley), Cambridge & Boston, MA
- Wight, Anne (Fielder) Gantt, MD
- Williams, Frances (Deighton), Taunton, MA
- Willis/Wyllys, Amy, MA
- Wilson, Elizabeth (Mansfield), Boston, MA
- Wingfield, Thomas, of New Kent Co., VA
- Winthrop, Margaret (Tyndall), MA
- Wolsey, Mary, MD
- Worden, Peter, MA
- Wormeley, Agatha (Eltonhead), Middlesex Co., VA
- Wyatt, Sir Francis, Governor of VA
- Wyatt, Rev. Hawte, of Jamestown, VA
- Wyche, Henry, of Surry Co., VA
- Yale, Ann (Lloyd), CT
- Yale, Thomas, Gent., of New Haven, CT
- Yarnall, Francis, Chester Co., PA
- Yate, George, of Anne Arundel Co., MD